TB has expressed her delight through this video as soon as she came to know that her Plain Green account was settled for just $950. As the total outstanding balance of the account was $2,295, we were able to provide her with a savings of 58.61%. TB had enrolled in our debt relief program in July, 2012. Before that, she used to get repeated harassing calls from the collection agencies. The even used to call her relatives and the employer. However, once she got enrolled with us, all collection calls stopped immediately. We have already settled four of the big accounts. There are few still left to be closed and we are confident that we will be able to make them close too.
Hey, I just wanted to thank Ronald for the great job he has done in working with my creditors and in fact the latest uh... resolution that he got for me was for a loan with a creditor for over twenty three hundred dollars he negotiated them down to nine hundred and fifty dollars so more than fifty percent discount, awesome uh... if you are just starting the program I say stick with it, it does take time. You just need to hang in there and believe that it works and they'll get it done for you. I am so glad that I am with Ronald and Oak View Law thanks guys keep up the good work.
* We have changed clients' names to protect their privacy.
The aforementioned are only a few examples of the various cases we deal with. After deducting the settlement fees, these show how much we saved from each creditor.
Please note that the settled amount is neither consistent nor predictable, and it depends on the creditors.