OVLG Attorney Lyle  Solomon

Lyle Solomon (Principal Attorney)

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Bar Number: 226025
Years of experience: 30
Languages known:
  • english, spanish


Atty. Lyle Solomon has significant expertise in legal research and writing. He is a member of the State Bar of California and has extensive litigation experience.

Solomon has helped over 6000 people become debt-free. He has also contributed articles to top-notch websites on debt, credit, consumer laws, bankruptcy, and more.

Check out the nationally recognized consumer finance attorney's latest book- Think Different! Save More! on Amazon to get 48 tips to save your hard-earned money.

Why did I choose to become a Payday Loan Crusader?

I have seen my close friend's life getting destroyed because of his addiction to the easy money of payday loans. It seemed too good to be true to walk into a payday loan store and walk out with $500. It also seemed too easy to only pay back $50/week

Lo and behold, now in his mid-forties, he doesn't have a home, still lives in a shared apartment with housemates, and has paid more to the payday loan companies than on a mortgage down payment.

I have seen this story repeat for hundreds of my clients. I realized I needed to do something to bring payday loan equity, and hence I became the payday loan crusader.

Video Interviews

Topic: Interview with Principal Attorney


Topic: How To Consolidate Payday Loans


Practice Areas

  • Consumer Finance

Contact Information

  • Location: 2316 Snowmass Lane, Rocklin, California, 95677
Phone: 800-530-OVLG
Fax: 800-637-OVLG
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