Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Client Feedback and Satisfaction Rate

See survey results and our client's feedback.

How satisfied people were after they spoke to us.

Customer Service Quality Rate

Very satisfied: 84% |Undecided: 6% |Dissatisfied: 4% |Very Dissatisfied: 6%
How people contact us, by medium.

Customer Medium Usage Rate

Telephone: 37% |Support Request: 14% |E-mail: 35% |Fax: 12% |Other: 2%
How satisfied people were by the time it took to answer a question.

Client Satisfaction Rate

Very satisfied: 61% |Satisfied: 13% |Undecided: 5% |Dissatisfied: 3% |Very Dissatisfied: 10% |
*Customer names have been changed to protect privacy

Customer Feedback

Client JK *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Shane Rogers

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Sean Lewis

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Email

Overall Satisfaction Level: Dissatisfied

JK's Feedback: It has been over a week and I have received no feedback to my email

Suggestion: Better communication with clients

Client RB *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Charles Johnson

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Kevin Anderson

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Telephone

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

RB's Feedback: Very happy and satisfied with both Charles Johnson and Kevin Anderson. They both are very professional and courteous and have provided excellent service to me. I would gladly recommend both of them to my friends and family and your Law Group as well.

Suggestion: I believe you do not need to make any changes at all. Customer Service Department is excellent.

Client VO *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Van Cliburn

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Sebastian Garcia

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Telephone

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

VO's Feedback: Kevin has been great! He explained everything very clearly when I first started this. He wasnt judgemental and very nice imformative man to deal with. No complaints at all.

Suggestion: none

Client SJ *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Stephen Roberts

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Shirley Smith

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Email

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

SJ's Feedback: When I first call and spoke to Mr Roberts about the program he was wonderful he explain everything so well and made me feel good about clearing up my debt. And I can not give Mrs Shirley Smith enough praise she have been awesome in help me with my questions when I call or email she is very very good in getting back with me as soon as possible I would tell anyone that is looking to get out of debt to call OVLG and to ask for Mrs Shirley Smith the be their relationship manager I really apperciated all the hard work she is doing for me Thanks Mrs Smith job well done

Suggestion: nothing it is great

Client CS *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Van Cliburn

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Steve Martin

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Telephone

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

CS's Feedback: I always get a fast response from Norman Augustine and he is very clear about wanting to get my debts paid off as soon as possible. I have 2 more creditors left but I'm not worried as I know Norman will be working with them to get my debt paid off as soon as possible. I have never had any problems working with Norman.

Suggestion: No changes necessary

Client DW *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Benjamin Graham Test

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Patricia Clark

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Telephone

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

DW's Feedback: First I really thank my sister for referring me to OLVG. Thanks OLVG for your assistant in helping me get out of debt. Your greatly appreciated.

Suggestion: No complaints

Client RW *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Stephen Roberts

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Simon Green

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Telephone

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

RW's Feedback: Simon Green did a great job. I am very pleased with this service and would recommend it to anyone.

Suggestion: Be sure to keep customer updated on any and all fees. I know that they are listed in the contract, but a reminder would be appreciated.

Client YN *
profile pic

Financial Coach: BG

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Simon Green

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Telephone

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

YN's Feedback: I have had a great experience with my contact here at OVLG. They have saved me alot of money on my debt that i have.

Suggestion: none

Client JV *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Patrick Smith

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Priscilla Robinson

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Telephone

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

JV's Feedback: Thanks for helping me with this dept. Really helped me a lot with my budget. Thanks.

Suggestion: Nothing, OVLG is at the best standard at this dept consultation.

Client JM *
profile pic

Financial Coach: Michael Grayson

Rated by client: 

Client Relationship Manager: Sean Lewis

Rated by client: 

Preferred Contact Medium: Telephone

Overall Satisfaction Level: Very Satisfied

JM's Feedback: Today, I received a call from you company and I became very upset with the person I spoke with. I want to speak with a manger because my concept of debt consolidation and the reason that I hired you are very different from the caller. If your company is not going to represent me then we have a problem.

Suggestion: n/a

Updated on: June 15, 2022

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