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Client JP2 from SC saved $17,026

Client Situation

Debt Enrolled: $26,537
Creditor Enrolled: 4
Debt Processed: $32,309
Debt Settled: $9,607
Total Saved: $17,026
Enrollment Date: 08 Jul, 2011
Type of Debt: Credit Card
Financial Coach:
Client Relationship:

Details of few savings:

How OVLG handled the situation?

JP is one of the satisfied clients of Oak View Law Group. He got enrolled in our debt settlement program on July 7 2011 with a total outstanding debt of $26,536.80. Sean Lewis, one of our client relationship managers, was assigned to deal with his case. Sean not only reduced the collection calls significantly, but also resolved three out of the four delinquent accounts JP had thus provided him with good savings.

Video Transcription

Hello my name is JP2. My manager at oakview has been Shawn lewis he's been a tremendous help. He's been great throughout this whole process. Our process started around august of 2011 at which time my wife and I over 22,000 dollars of debt. we should be finishing up around July-to-september of 2013 would be completely debt free. In this time Shawn has helped us get back on track, he's helped creditors stay off of our back and he's just been a wonderful, tremendous help throughout the whole process I want to say thank you to Sean and everybody at OAKVIEW LAW for helping me and my wife get back on track. Thank you very much.

  1. * We have changed clients' names to protect their privacy.

  2. The aforementioned are only a few examples of the various cases we deal with. After deducting the settlement fees, these show how much we saved from each creditor.

  3. Please note that the settled amount is neither consistent nor predictable, and it depends on the creditors.

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