Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Client DR1 from FL saved $6,119

Client Situation

Debt Enrolled: $9,299
Creditor Enrolled: 8
Debt Processed: $13,507
Debt Settled: $5,347
Total Saved: $6,119
Enrollment Date: 19 Apr, 2012
Type of Debt: Credit Card, Accounts in Collection
Financial Coach:
Client Relationship:

Details of few savings:

How OVLG handled the situation?

DR1 contacted Oak View Law Group when he was getting a lot of harassing calls from his creditors. The financial crisis he was in made things worse day by day as the creditors also started calling his friends and relatives. DR found OVLG to have helped many other people become debt free and wanted to try his luck. Phillip Kennedy, the financial coach at OVLG helped DR understand the program and the benefits and disadvantages it carries. After much thought, DR decided to opt for OVLG services in April 2012.

Roger Sampson, the debt negotiator for DR, started his work soon after DR made his first payment. DR got five of his eight credit card loans settled in a span of just 1.5 years and is left with just 3 more creditors to become debt free. DR is very satisfied with the services he has received and acknowledged the same through this testimonial.

Video Transcription

  1. * We have changed clients' names to protect their privacy.

  2. The aforementioned are only a few examples of the various cases we deal with. After deducting the settlement fees, these show how much we saved from each creditor.

  3. Please note that the settled amount is neither consistent nor predictable, and it depends on the creditors.

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