Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Client DJ from UT saved $189

Client Situation

Debt Enrolled: $2,700
Creditor Enrolled: 2
Debt Processed: $429
Debt Settled: $176
Total Saved: $189
Enrollment Date: 17 May, 2012
Type of Debt: Credit Card
Financial Coach:
Client Relationship:

Details of few savings:

How OVLG handled the situation?

DJ signed up for Oak View Law Group's debt relief program on May 17, 2012. Initially, he listed 2 creditors with a total debt of $2,700 to be settled. Later, he removed one creditor from the creditors' list and another debt of $429.04 was settled by us. The client is very happy with our services so far and thus shares his experience of his association with us through this video review.

Video Transcription

Hi I just wanted to make a testimonial about my experience with Oak View Law Group. They are a very good company and they helped me settle the, two credit cards. One of them was going to court and they negotiated with the people to settle it out of court, that was with my discover card and the other card was with HSBC and it was for $429 and they settled it for uh... $175. The discover they settled for seventeen I think eighty-seven it was and it was for $2900 and my experience was really good. They were very helpful, they kept a good communication and Steve Martin was my negotiator and he was very good help with everything, made the process very quick and easy I solved them, resolved the settlements within a couple of weeks so yeah! I just wanted to give you guys this testimonial and let you know about this company is a good company to work with.

  1. * We have changed clients' names to protect their privacy.

  2. The aforementioned are only a few examples of the various cases we deal with. After deducting the settlement fees, these show how much we saved from each creditor.

  3. Please note that the settled amount is neither consistent nor predictable, and it depends on the creditors.

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