Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Client AN from FL saved $3,126

Client Situation

Debt Enrolled: $12,242
Creditor Enrolled: 5
Debt Processed: $7,516
Debt Settled: $3,347
Total Saved: $3,126
Enrollment Date: 16 Aug, 2012
Type of Debt: Accounts in Collection
Financial Coach:
Client Relationship:

Details of few savings:

How OVLG handled the situation?

In August 2012, AN reached out to Oak View Law Group to get help with his 3 credit card debts. Shane Rogers, the Client Intake Manager, explained the entire debt relief program to him and once the client became confident with our approach, he signed up with us.

Roger Sampson, who was appointed as his Client Relationship Manager, managed to settle all his 3 delinquent accounts within just 2 months of the enrolment and provided him with a saving of $4,169, which was almost 56% of the total outstanding debt. The client is completely debt free now and has thus acknowledged OVLG support through this video review.

Video Transcription

Hi everyone! My name is Andy and I'm a client of Oak View Law Group, and these people have been helping me since I've got into debt. I called in and I spoke to Mr. Roger Sampson and he has been helping me with all my accounts and have been settled with most of them in the past couple of weeks and I'm almost debt free right now and I'm very happy with the service. So I'm doing this video to show my appreciation to Oak View Law Group, and especially to Mr. Roger Sampson, and I hope this video can help have you more....Finally, hopeful to the whole group, with Oak View Law Group. Thank you very much!

  1. * We have changed clients' names to protect their privacy.

  2. The aforementioned are only a few examples of the various cases we deal with. After deducting the settlement fees, these show how much we saved from each creditor.

  3. Please note that the settled amount is neither consistent nor predictable, and it depends on the creditors.

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