Many people wonder what would be the best debt elimination strategy. Most people strive to find out the secrets of a debt free life. It's easier to spend money for several reasons and on different occasions. But paying off the debts is a different thing altogether. Here are 4 samurais that are well capable to take care of your debt problems and make things easier for you.
Credit Card Debt Elimination: When in a spree to reduce debts, the step that people take at the very last moment is saving money. However, once you stop using your cards, how will you pay for an expense that you've not already planned in your budget? And in case you have taken a debt consolidation loan, then budgeting for those forgotten items becomes even more important. Otherwise, you will end up with more debt rather than paying it off. If you really want to get rid of your credit card debts, start with making extra payments towards your accounts (even if small ones). Make sure you are not using your credit cards or other existing lines of credit until all your debts are paid off. Also, do put some money aside for unexpected and unfortunate occurrences.
Debt Reduction Advice: Did you ever think about how people used to pay off their debts before 60's when credit cards were not in existence? They used to work hard for extra pennies, save and plan their spending and only buy things they needed and could afford. If you are knee deep in debt, the very first thing that you need to do is to get back to the basics. Start leading a simple life with no exuberance at all. You might find difficulties as you would not be exposed to the luxuries as you used to be. But these difficulties might be far less than the ones that you would come across while in debt.
Debt Solutions: Are you a free entity? Just because everyone is going with the wind doesn't mean that you too have to. The Canadians are nowadays spending way more money than what they earn and believing that debt is a normal thing. Just because everyone is accruing too much debt, it doesn't mean that it's a good idea. One of the greatest debt solutions techniques is just going against the trend. Instead, try to find out what is good for your family and you. Financial decision should never be a popularity choice.
Free Debt Counseling Services: Do you think you have a realistic budget? If no, you are bound of struggle with your finances. Perhaps, you too like many people, either forget to include stuffs in your budget in the beginning on which you are going to spend money on, or set unrealistic budget based on limitations. Set realistic budget and goals. List items in your budget that are essential. If you spend around $200 each week for eating out, you are spending a grand $800 in a month. If you prepare your food on your own instead of eating out, you'll be saving the whole amount every month, which infact could go towards your credit accounts thus lowering your debts. There are many govt' approved free credit counseling courses that can help you manage your household budgets in a better way.