Nowadays, many consumers fall prey to debt traps and reach out to debt settlement companies only to find out later that they have been scammed. Today, we come across a lot of debt settlement scams and most of the scams are a result of lack of information on the debtor’s end.
If you want to avoid being the victim of a scam, you should do your homework carefully before approaching any settlement company. Again, you should carefully investigate any company or lawyer before you reach out to them for help or hire them.
These days, it is very difficult for anyone to identify a scam debt settlement company. Therefore, if you want to trust a company with your money, check out the 3 tips mentioned below:
1) They should not try to reach: If a settlement company calls you too many times and tries hard to convince you to hire their services, or tries to hold back its name and address, then know that they are just trying to scam you out of your money.
2) Upfront fees are illegal: If a company insists you for upfront fees and does not seem bothered to help you get out of debt, then take this as a big red flag. It is worth mentioning here that in most states, charging upfront fees for debt relief services is illegal as per FTC telemarketing rules that took effect in September 2010.
3) There is no magic wand: If any debt settlement company says that they have the magic wand and can settle your debt for pennies on the dollar, simply avoid them.
Once you’re aware of the ways to identify a scam debt settlement company, you should try to hire a legitimate one in order to become debt free. Below are a few ways to avail of a valid debt relief firm:
1) Information is key: Gather as much information as possible about the firm you are planning to hire. Collect data about the company from the Attorney General's Office and from the Federal Trade Commission to check the legitimacy of the firm. Also, check with the BBB to see if there is any complaint registered against the firm and if they have resolved or tried to resolve those complaints. However, most of the firms have complaints filed against them.
2) Check out for hidden fees: Go through the fine print of the agreement carefully before getting enrolled with a debt settlement company. Again, go through the terms and conditions thoroughly and make sure there are no hidden fees.
3) Consult and get advice: Consult with your friends and relatives, or with those people who recently went through a debt settlement program. Your friends and colleagues can guide you avail a trustworthy debt settlement firm and avoid scam entities.
You might ask why you should trust Oak View Law Group. You might question how OVLG is different from other debt settlement firms. Well, below are some facts that you could consider before you put your trust on OVLG: