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Debt Settlement in South Dakota

Are you a South Dakota consumer stressed out with lump-sum unsecured debts? Even the minimum monthly payments on your debts are taking a mighty toll on your monthly budget? Has debt consolidation failed to help? Well, then a debt settlement will solve all your problems.

It is a simple and easy debt repayment process, where the debtor and the creditor agree upon a reduced sum of money that is regarded as full repayment of the debt.

How does debt settlement work in South Dakota?

You can settle your debts either by:

Directly negotiating with your creditors


Hiring a professional debt settlement service

How to negotiate with your creditors?

Negotiating large debts without professional help can be a little difficult. However, the task is not impossible! You can definitely try it out and can get your debts settled without having to spend a single extra dollar on hiring professional settlement services.

Here are some tips on how to negotiate with your creditors effectively:

  1. 1 Know the law: You should have a fair idea about the debt settlement laws prevailing in South Dakota, when you start debt negotiation with your creditors.
  2. 2 Speak to your creditor: Contact your creditor and let them know that you need to settle your debts.
  3. 3 Convince about your faltering finances: It is very important to convince your creditor that you cannot continue with your monthly installments. The creditor needs to believe that you are financially unstable and will end up filing for bankruptcy soon. That will make your creditor more likely to agree to the settlement offer because a creditor knows that they will get more money back with a settlement than if you declare bankruptcy.
  4. 4 Offer a big settlement amount: Try and offer a big settlement amount. That will tempt your creditors to accept your settlement offer.
  5. 5 Propose a payment plan: Propose a payment plan if you cannot pay the settlement amount at one go. With a payment plan you can pay off the settled amount in affordable installments.
  6. 6 Ask your creditor to report your debts as "settled": Once the settlement process is over, make sure your creditors report your debts to the Credit Bureau as "settled" or "paid". This will give an immediate hike to your credit score.

How can South Dakota Debt Settlement Companies help you?

So the negotiation process seems a little hard for you? But you badly need to reduce your debt burden? Wondering what to do? Do not worry. A debt settlement company in South Dakota can be of great help to you. The added cost of hiring a debt settlement service can actually save you money!

A debt settlement company provides professional debt negotiation services that can get your debts substantially reduced. However, you should always go for a company accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB); the BBB testifies to the integrity and legally sound approach of the company.

Before enrolling with a debt settlement program, the company takes a look at your financial situation and recommends the program that is best for your situation. Once you enroll in a settlement program, you will have to pay an upfront fee. Thereafter, the company's debt settlement attorney will notify your creditors to stop communicating with you. Then the lawyer will start negotiating with your creditors to eliminate or reduce interest, penalties, and principal.

An Experienced debt settlement lawyer and skilled debt arbitrators can reduce your debt principal up to 60%.

If, the creditor insists on an amount that is more than you can afford to pay in a lump sum, the company will also devise a payment plan that will help you to pay off the settlement amount in affordable installments.

Most settlement programs do not stop with debt repayment only. After you pay off the settlement amount, the company will also ensure that your accounts are reported to the credit bureaus as "paid" or "settled", so that your credit scores can improve.

How to choose an authentic debt settlement company in South Dakota?

Debt settlement scams are not uncommon. Many settlement companies try to scam clients. It can be dangerous and put you in further debt.

So, it is extremely important to ensure that the debt settlement company you are hiring is an authentic one. Here are some tips on how to judge the integrity of the company:

  • Check the whether the company has Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited or any other affiliation with some other reputable pro-consumer association.
  • Consult your friends and relatives about the reputation of the company you want to sign up with.
  • Google the company's name and take note of the testimonials of the company available on the internet.
  • Cross-check the company's past record with respect to successful debt settlement cases on the internet. If possible seek for references or case-studies that testify the company's track record. If company is reluctant to provide it, then it will be wise not to hire the services of that company.

The Average Duration and cost of a debt settlement program in South Dakota

The Average duration and cost of debt settlement programs in South Dakota depend on:

  • The kind of debt
  • The outstanding debt amount
  • The number of debts you intend to settle

While, a usual credit card debt settlement case in South Dakota will take at the most 3-9 months to get settled, other kinds of debts will take about 1 to 3 years.

How does South Dakota Debt Settlement affect your Credit Score?

Debt settlement does not affect everyone in the same way. Its impact on your credit score will depend upon:

  1. 1 The extent of delinquency of your accounts.
  2. 2 Your present credit score

If you settle your delinquent accounts, your credit score will increase automatically because with settlement these accounts will appear as "paid off"/ "settled" in your credit report.

Debt settlement can also be beneficial even if you do not have a bad credit score, and you have a steady income is steady. When you settle your debts that are not delinquent yet, your credit score drops initially because your debts may become delinquent. On successful completion of the settlement program, your score will increase. So that will put you in a more favorable position than someone who has been defaulting on their payments.

Thus, debt settlement in general endeavors to make way for a good credit score in the long run.

Benefits of South Dakota Debt Settlement

Debt settlement in South Dakota gives you the following benefits:

  • You avoid the hazards of bankruptcy: With debt settlement you can get rid of your liabilities without having to file for bankruptcy.
  • You to pay less unlike Debt Consolidation: Debt consolidation will simplify your debts, but it will also cause you to pay the full you owe on each of your debts. But with a debt settlement program you reduce your payable amount. Effective negotiation can reduce your debts considerably.
  • You to save up quite a bit: As you pay less you actually end up saving a lot for yourself.
  • You are spared annoying collection calls: As you pay off your debts through settlement, you are spared harassing and abusive collection calls.

Debt Settlement and Tax obligations

The IRS regards any amount forgiven in a debt settlement program to be taxable unless you can prove that you were insolvent the day before your debt was forgiven.

As soon as your debts get settled, your creditor must report your forgiven amount to the IRS and send you a 1099C form so that you can also report the income on your Federal tax return. Ifyour creditor does not send you the form, then you must notify the IRS about the forgiven amount yourself.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a qualified attorney for advice on your specific situation.

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