There are thousands of American customers who are drowning in debts, and want to deliberately come out through a good settlement company. It becomes difficult to resist if there is an advertisement on board that they can pay only 50% of what they actually owe! It is even difficult to say as to how much of it will actually work for the customers as only a few customers can really avail the benefits.
Customers enduring harassment for a long time in the hands of the creditors are overwhelmed if they can somehow pay off their debts and declare themselves debt free. According to the survey there should be more option given to consumers other than debt settlement as there is no guarantee as the completion rate ranges from 35% to 60% only.
At times it is seen that promises are made to be broken, as when statistically calculated it is even fewer than 10% of the customers of the 42 debt settlements and credit counseling companies operating in Colorado are paid off and settled their debts. A count of 40 attorneys wrote in support of FTC's amendments to telemarketing sales rules which includes a ban on the in the advance fees, as well as expresses its concern that it is a viable option for consumers to settle their debts during financial crisis.
There is a major work that TASC involves in with. The major work it does is to protect customer rights and curb a lot of concerns laid by the attorney on the fact that they had gained adequate knowledge regarding the lawmakers of the different settlement companies to get the fair legislation passed. In the past 5 years, 21 states have sued 128 debt relief programs, according to NAAG (National Association of Attorneys general). A prohibition of fees before or prior to settlement makes the settlement companies a guarantor of result and nothing else. A lot of customers are turning to settlement to avoid counseling and bankruptcy.