Have you been a victim of credit card fraud? If so, then it’s time to take some steps immediately. Otherwise, at the end of the month, you’ll be left with a huge credit card bill in your hand. And, if you don’t have money, then you have to try out the various credit card debt solutions to pay back creditors.
Here are the 5 steps you can take when you’re a victim of credit card fraud.
Most credit card companies have advanced technologies to track and monitor the fraudulent activities.
This will help you get those unauthorized charges refunded. Read the credit card company’s policies to know your rights.
Police will ask you important questions such as how much you have lost due to the incident and the date on which the incident happened.
Request them to put a 90-day fraud alert on your credit report. A credit freeze is important to stop fraudsters from using your personal information to open new accounts in your name.
It will take only 10 minutes to fill out the form and get a complaint reference number.
Have you saved your credit card information in multiple online shopping portals?
The bank will check your accounts and let you know if there has been any suspicious activity.
Credit monitoring services will monitor your credit reports and notify you about suspicious activities.
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