1. FTC has banned 300 companies providing debt assistance and home loans to consumers. It has also sued another 500 companies. Mortgage and debt relief service providers are prohibited from charging any fee before delivering on their promises of mortgage or debt relief. They can’t misrepresent the services they offer and misled people with regards to their debt relief programs’ results.
2. In March 2016 session, the Judicial Conference held under the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Puerto Rico, approved a New fee for electronic record retrieval effective June 1, 2016. Judiciary fee of $10 plus a flat rate pull charge of $9.90 will be levied and another $0.65 will also be charged for each page collected on behalf of the Federal Record Center (FRC).
3. The House in North Carolina has finally approved the law that will keep considering forgiven mortgage debt as income for state tax purpose. This legislative measure will be sent to the Senate for one final vote. After that, Gov. Pat McCrory will either sign into consent or use his veto on the subject. North Carolina continues to “de-couple” from federal tax law on the mortgage issue, as per Senate Bill 726.
4. The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida has empowered the clerk to execute voluntary Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN) that’ll provide an alternative to the debtors to receive their documents from the clerk in electronic format instead of U.S Mail. Debtors must register with the clerk of court using the Local Form “Debtor’s Request to Receive Notices Electronically Under DeBN Program”.