Would you ever believe if someone told you that you’d be violating the law if your kids have unusual haircuts in Texas? What would be your reaction if someone tells you that in Delaware you can’t wear a form fitting pant around your waist?
Both the laws I mentioned just now are completely bizarre and probably the most insane thing you’ve heard till date. By now, you must be probably thinking that I’m cracking jokes at you. Well, you couldn’t be more wrong since there are some dumb laws that are still making headlines across the countryfor some or the other reason. Can’t wait to know about those laws? Okay. You don’t have to. Just have a look below.
- Kids (below 18 years) can’t play a pinball machine in South Carolina.
- Girls have to call their date as “master” in Illinois.
- Guys can’t wink at “unacquainted” women in Iowa (Ottumwa).
- Waiters can’t serve wine in teacups in Kansas (Topeka).
- You can’t bathe 2 babies simultaneously in the same bathtub in Los Angeles.
- It is illegal for a motorist to drive too slowlyin some states such as Nevada and Hawaii.
- It is not legal to broadcast a false Weather Bureau forecast.
- You get only 5 minutes to cast your votein Alabama.
- You can’t keep an ice cream cone in your back pocket always.
- You can’t insert coins in the ears of others in Hawaii.
- Restaurants can’t serve apple pie without cheese in Wisconsin.
- California law forbids everyone to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.
- Georgia law doesn’t allow chickens to cross the road.
- You’ll be imprisoned for 25 years for cutting down cactusin Arizona.
- Police can bite a dog only when they feel that it will calm down.
- You can’t sell your eyeballs in Texas.
- It is not legal sing off-key in North Carolina.
- You can’t sell both toothbrush and toothpaste to the same man/woman on a Sunday.
- You’ve to eat fried chicken with only your hands in Georgia.
- You can marry your cousin when both of you’re below 65 years.
- Bear wrestling matches are bannedin Alabama.
- You’ve to take official permission to click pictures of a rabbit between the month of January and April in Wyoming.
- You can’t purchase meat on Sunday in Washington.
- It is illegal to flirt in San Antonio (Texas).
- In Indiana, it’s against the law to go to a public event within 4 hours of consuming garlic or onions.
- In Idaho, you can’t gift a box full of candy to your fiancee especially when it weighs above 22.5 kg.
- If you’re caught stealing a soap, then you’ve to use it to clean yourself until the soap has been exhausted.
- You can’t kiss a woman when you’ve a mustache (Nevada).
- You can’t harass Bigfoot in Washington.
- In Main Street, wife can drive a car only when her husband waives a red flag and walks in front of the car.
- In Carriazo, a woman can’t appear in public unshaven.
- Bingo games can’t extend beyond 5 hours.
- In Ocean City, it is against law for men to go topless in the heart of the town.
- You can only drink water in a transparent plastic bottle on the beachin Ocean City.
- It is against the law for a man to wear a jacket and pant that don’t match and appear in public.
- Atheists are not permitted to be elected into officein Tennessee.
- It is illegal to have Christmas decor 12 days post the main event is over.
- No one can wear a mask and make a public appearance without taking prior permission from the Sheriff.
- In Illinois (Zion), it is a punishable offence to give a lighted cigar to dogs and cats.
- Liquor stores are not allowed to serve cold sold or water.
- You can be fined for up to $1000 for selling non-latex condoms in vending machine (Maryland).
- You can be imprisoned for 4 years due to adultery in Michigan.
- You can be imprisoned for 30 days for swearing in public (Mississippi).
- Only married couples can have sex in Virginia.
- Women can appear topless in public provided it is not being utilized for business.
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