Many people dream of following the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) and achieving it. But making it a reality requires significant sacrifices and an iron will.
You need to be disciplined with your finances, manage your debts, be consistent with your savings, and be smart with your investments.
But, even after being disciplined with their money, people often fail to have enough to retire early. This is because they fail to make the right choices for investment vehicles.
They often rely on only one or two vehicles, squandering their chance of diversifying their portfolio, earning high returns, and minimizing their risk of losing money.
According to CNBC, one in 4 Americans says they don't know or have no opinion on whether their investments are diversified.
Part of it's not your fault if you are one of them. After all, there are so many asset classes to choose from, each with its pros and cons - asset allocation can be overwhelming.
But if you want to retire in your 40s, you need to know your options and make your choice now.
Here are the top five investment options for your 20s to retire in your 40s -
Note - What percentage of your income you invest in each of the following vehicles will depend on your financial goals and situation. If you aren't sure where you should invest and how much to invest, take the help of a certified financial planner to make the right choice.
One of the best investments you can make in your 20s is raising your savings rate incrementally and depositing the amount in a high-yielding savings account.
This money will always be readily available to you in your time of need.
"Set aside a higher percentage of your personal capital each year to put towards retirement," says Lorien Strydom from the Financer. "Even if you can only increase your savings rate by 1-2% each year, it can make a big difference down the road," he adds.
By starting to save early and being consistent, you'll be able to take advantage of compound interest. This means your money will grow faster the longer it's invested, making it easier for you to achieve FIRE.
Fixed income investments like Treasurys and investment-grade corporate bonds are good options to generate a steady income stream, diversify your portfolio and minimize volatility.
With enough cash and fixed income investments, you can enjoy the emotional comfort of knowing you have some years covered in any emergency.
If you work for a for-profit company, most likely, you'll get the chance to invest in a 401(k) retirement account, and you shouldn't let that go.
401(k) typically offers an assortment of stock and bond mutual funds and target-date funds designed to reduce the risk of losses as you approach retirement with an expected annual return of 5% to 8%.
The return you get will depend on the investment portfolio you choose.
"A 401(k) plan is a good investment in your 20s, especially if there's an employer match," says Johannes Larsson from the Johannes Larsson.
Your employer will either match your contribution in full up to 3% of your income or contribute 50% of it, up to a maximum of 6% of your pay.
Whatever the offer, do whatever you must to get all that free money.
Some employers will automatically raise your savings rate yearly if you let them. And you should. Here, automation is your friend.
401(k) is a great investment option, but there's a catch. You can't withdraw from 401(k) before becoming 59½ years old. If you do, you'll incur a 10% penalty and also have to pay income tax on every dollar you withdraw.
This restriction is reasonable as it forces you to keep your money locked in for later stages in your retirement, extending your financial independence.
Related article - How much unique strategies can help boost your 401(k) balance?
A Roth IRA offers the same tax-deferred growth of your investments as a 401(k) or a traditional IRA.
However, with Roth, you can withdraw your contributions without penalty, and it's tax-free, unlike 401(k).
So, you can put money into a retirement account and earn tax-free interest and capital gains while enjoying the flexibility of using your contributions whenever you want.
Index funds can be a valuable part of your retirement planning if you start investing in your 20s.
"But, what about fluctuations?" It's a legitimate concern.
However, even though these funds have been seen to exhibit short-term swings, they average out over a longer period.
With an investment window of at least seven years, you can expect 10-12% returns. If you start investing in your 20s, your average return can be much higher.
Thus, index funds, by matching the impressive performance of the financial markets over time, can transform your investment into a large nest egg.
While many prominent appealing elements of the FIRE journey can also be overwhelming and intimidating.
But, if you cover your financial bases, like debt and emergency funds, and develop a well-informed financial plan, you can achieve financial independence in your 40s.