Payday loan laws in Wisconsin
Status: Legal (Wis. Stat. 138.14)
Lending specifications:
Maximum loan amount: $1,500 including fees or 35% gross monthly income; which is lesser
Loan tenure: 90 days or less
Fees and finance charges: No limit
Finance charge on a 14-day $100 loan: No limit
APR on 14-day $100 loan: No limit
Collection restrictions:
Collection fees: $15 NSF fee
Criminal procedures: Prohibited
Debt limits:
Maximum no. of outstanding loans at a time: No limit
Rollovers allowed: One
Cooling-off period: 24 hours after paying renewed loans
Repayment plan: Available (4 equal installments at no additional cost)
Complaint cell:
Regulator: Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
Address: Wisconsin Consumer Act Section, P.O. Box 8041 Madison WI 53708
Phone: (608) 261-9555
Fax: (608) 261-7200
Regulatory contact: Paul Egide, Consumer Act Director
File complaint:
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a qualified attorney for advice on your specific situation.
Updated on: November 17, 2016