Payday loan laws in Montana
Status: Legal (Mont. Code Ann. 31-1-701)
Lending specifications:
Maximum loan amount: $300
Loan tenure: 31 days
Fees and finance charges: 36% APR
Finance charge on a 14-day $100 loan: $1.39
Collection restrictions:
Collection fees: One $30 NSF fee
Complaint cell:
Regulator: Division of Banking & Financial Institutions (DOA)
Address: 301 South Park, Ste 316, PO Box 200546, Helena, MT 59620-0546
Phone: 406-841-2931
Regulatory contact: Chris Olson, Deputy Commissioner
File complaint:
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a qualified attorney for advice on your specific situation.
Updated on: November 27, 2017