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How OVLG processes payday loan debts in 7 simple steps

OVLG Payday Loan Debt Help Cycle

OVLG is there to help you out when you’re immersed in payday loan debts. Check out the 7 steps through which OVLG processes your payday loan debts.

Step 1: OVLG's Financial coach will explain you about:

  1. OVLG payday loan process
  2. OVLG policies such as
    1. No result refund policy
    2. Dedicated CRA (Client Relationship Associate) who will handle your case
  3. Fee structure

Step 2: You have to decide if you want to become a client of OVLG after clearing your doubts regarding the OVLG process and policies from the Financial Coach.

Step 3: Your CRA will collect the following details from you:

  1. Name of your state
  2. Name of the payday loan company
  3. Date on which the loan was issued
  4. Terms of the loan such as principal amount, interest rate, fees, etc.
  5. Mode of payment: Your CRA will ask if the loan payments are:
    • Collected through ACH transactions
    • Collected at store
  6. Payments made towards the loan
  7. Current balance claimed by the payday loan company

Step 4: The CRA will work closely with an attorney licensed to practice law in your state to determine the legality of the payday loan issued to you. Please understand that a blank judgment about a payday loan company cannot be made. You need to determine the legality of a specific loan first.

Step 5: If it is found that the lending was executed illegally, then your CRA will work with you to ensure that only the principal amount is paid to the payday loan company.

Step 6: If it is found that payday lending is legal in your state, then the CRA will determine the maximum interest rate you have to pay after discussing with an attorney.

Step 7: Once the maximum interest rate is determined, the CRA will either set up a payment plan or offer a lump sum settlement with the payday loan company. Know the Process & Policies Decide whether or not to join Share relevant information with us We verify the legitimacy of the loan Lending was done as per state law We make sure you just pay the principal amount We try to determine an affordable repayment plan by working with the lender

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