Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Stop Debt Collection Letter Template

If you do not want the debt collection agency to contact you to collect on the debt, then you can request that the collection agency stop contacting you. Under the Fair Debt Collection practices Act, you have the right to ask a collection agency to stop contacting you, and once you do, the agency must act in accordance with your request. Here is a sample letter requesting the debt collection agency to stop contacting you:



Dear Sir,

This letter is to request that your collection agency not contact me in order to collect payments on the above mentioned account. I am interested in working out a plan with the original creditor regarding my payments.

I hereby request that your collection agency stop collection efforts immediately. Your non-compliance with this request will put you in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and my state's consumer protection laws.


Your Signature ________________________

Your Name___________________________

Updated on: June 07, 2016

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