Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Disputing Account Status Letter Template

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, credit bureaus must correct any incorrect information on your credit report within a period of 30 days of your notification to the bureaus. If you find an inaccurate listing on your credit report, you should notify the credit bureaus about it and get it corrected. Here is a sample letter to dispute the status of your account:



Dear ,

This letter is to dispute the incorrect account status on my credit report.

The above stated accounts are listed as on the credit report. However, they should be shown on my credit report as .

This incorrect listing has damaged my credit score and questioned my credit worthiness to the extent that I was wrongfully denied credit for a . It was extremely embarrassing and has adversely affected my reputation.

For your reference, I have attached copies of the required documents that corroborate my claim.

Please take a note of the dates and update my account status at the earliest convenience. Also forward a copy of my updated credit report to my address, stated above.


Your Signature_____________________

Your Name________________________

Updated on: June 07, 2016

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