Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Alternative Payment Plan Letter Template

If you have become delinquent on your payments, you can request an alternative payment plan from your creditor , so you can pay off your obligation. Here is a sample of a letter to request an alternative payment plan from your creditor.



Dear ,

This is a request for a temporary change in the repayment terms in the account referenced above.

As I am undergoing some financial crises at present, I may not be able to continue the current payment plan. On reviewing my financial condition and my monthly budget, I found it absolutely necessary to request an alternative payment plan from each of my creditors until my financial state improves.

I do not plan to file for bankruptcy nor default on this debt. So, I would appreciate if you co-operate in making this payment plan effective.

I request that you accept a monthly payment of $ instead of the regular payment of $ that I have been making every month.

I will begin making regular monthly payments as soon as I recover from this financial crisis.

I hope you will understand my situation and consider my request. I will definitely inform you of any change in my financial situation. I am looking forward to your kind co-operation.


Your Signature_______________________

Your Name__________________________

Updated on: June 07, 2016

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