Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Acceptance of Verbal Offer Letter Template

A Letter of Acceptance of Verbal Debt Settlement Offer is the written confirmation of the deal you have negotiated with your creditor/debt collection agency verbally. You must get it signed by the creditor or collection agency before you pay on any settlement agreement. If you are not sure about what a Letter of Acceptance should look like, here is a sample that will help you understand how to write the letter:



Dear Creditor,


This is in response to verbal debt settlement agreement made between myself and your customer service representative on . I appreciate that your company is willing to work with me in settling the debts I owe.

This letter is to confirm my acceptance of the verbal offer.

The amount that your representative and I have mutually agreed upon to settle the debt in full is $.

I earnestly request you totake into account the fact that your representative and I have agreed to eliminate interest rates and penalties related to this account. I also request you to co-ordinate with the credit bureaus and eliminate all thenegative markings related to this account.

I hope the above terms acceptable will be acceptable to you. If they are, please sign this letter and return a copy to me.
I will send the settlement amount to you through a money order as soon as I receive the signed and acknowledged agreement from you.


Your Signature_____________________

Your Name________________________

Updated on: June 07, 2016

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