
In December 2013, I lost my job after working for 5 years. I was earning a good amount every month from the company. The wage and bonus were good. So, you can well imagine my shock after I was shown the door at office one fine day. My whole world crashed within a second, and then hell broke upon me. All I was left with were huge credit card statements, collection accounts, payday loans, etc. I was not terrified to tell my girlfriend about losing my job. But, I was scared to death about informing her about my debt problems. I used to spend 60 percent of my wage on her and the remaining amount on my creditors. But after losing my job, I didn’t have money to splurge. Forget splurging, I didn’t have enough money to pay off $5890 debt.

And then a miracle happened

One day, I saw an ad while chatting with my girlfriend on Facebook. The ad was posted by Oak View Law Group. I had seen their ads a lot of times but never paid any attention. Why would I have? I was working in a good company. I was either busy with my work or my girlfriend for the most part of the day.

But, my financial situation was completely different after losing a job. I had so many responsibilities to take care of. So, I decided to call the Toll-Free number at least once. I was desperate to get help. And, I was ready to try out all the available options.

There was no looking back after I made a call to OVLG. After the initial discussion with the financial coach, I realized one fact. I was wasting too much money every month. I feel disgusted when I think how much money I used to waste at one point of time.

My case was assigned to Anthony Robbins, who explained what I had to do to get out of the debt trap. He explained me the process to enroll in a debt settlement program and also pointed out the benefits of doing so. Once I enrolled in their program, Anthony started negotiating with my creditors. Of course, this happened after I stopped wasting money and saved an amount just by living frugally. The fact that my debt amount was not too huge also helped me a bit.

I had 8 creditors when I first enrolled in OVLG’s debt settlement program in June 2014. After a year and a half, all of my 8 creditors stopped running behind me. My debts were settled, and I was a happy man. My net savings was $1,005.

My life changed a lot in these 18 months. I became more serious about money and life. I stopped wasting money and began living frugally. I gave interviews and got a job again. It was another case that my girlfriend left me during the toughest period of my life. It taught me a big lesson and that was - “Never keep your happiness and money in someone else’s pocket”.

I’m very happy with Anthony Robbins. May God bless that guy. I have paid off my debts. My life has got a new direction. What more can I ask for? If you’re in debt , then you can try OVLG. Hopefully, you won’t be disappointed. Here’s my video. Check it out.

Here are a few suggestions for you from my end:

  1. Stay away from payday loans. They’re good for nothing.
  2. Love yourself first. Create an automatic savings account.
  3. Take your job and life seriously.
  4. Create an emergency fund to survive during the rainy days.
  5. Pay your bills every month.
  6. Stay within your credit limits.
  7. If you’re working with OVLG, then act as per their advice.

So to OVLG, more importantly to Anthony,

“Thank you! Thanks for the voice of yours. It helped me to get back my confidence and start a new financial life”.

Don’t miss out - 5 Weird steps that helped me get out of debt sooner

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