Ring-a-ring o' roses, A pocket full of posies, A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down.
Now, lets make it very clear, we have not gathered here to discuss about the Great Plague of London, 1665/6 or the Black Death triggered by the bubonic plague in Europe during the 1340s. The objective of this article is to inspire myself and all the others folks like me to beat the plague of inflation, poverty, bankruptcies, collection harassment and financial distress, on the happy and cheerful occasion of Rose Day.
Here’s a wacky take on the different kinds of roses relating to our daily life and how they can be a huge source of inspiration, encouragement to lead our life to greener financial pastures.
Red - A red rose signifies love and romance. It doubles up as our emissary to convey our deepest love for that someone special we all have in our lives. On that very same note, we need to love our hard earned dollars and consider it as God’s blessing. You and me should vouch to put that blessings to good, judicious use. For example, we can use our money to build a lovely house for ourselves - one in which our family can spend their lives in peace.
Pink - Attributes like admiration, grace and sweetness are what best describes a pink rose. This Rose Day, why not use our money on the lines for what the pink rose stands for? How? Here’s how - Be gracious enough to visit your ailing parents and spend some extra time out of your hectic schedule with them. This will make them a lot happier than the gifts, you would otherwise send. This will be refreshing for you, as meeting loved ones reduces stress and boost productivity at work. Moreover, you’d save money on gifts too.
Yellow - Cheerful, bright and gay is what comes to our mind whenever we come across a yellow rose. You too can imbibe its qualities and those around you, to ease your life’s stress. For example, cancel your gym membership, instead take your kids for jogging or a brisk walk in the morning. This will keep your family both mentally as well as physically fit. Over time you’d get a life that is full of peace and tranquility. Dont forget that you are saving money here too!
White - When speaking about the White roses, then these have always been associated with the innocence, serenity and calmness. They always call for a fresh beginning - a start for the better, like wedding. Taking cue from them, you could make your life a lot hassle free and free of all malice and heartburn. Suppose, one of your loved ones haven't repaid the money you owe him/her or if you’ve gone through a difficult financial phase like bankruptcy or penury. Forgive them and yourself too, and make a new beginning today.
Orange - This is one particular rose that exudes energy - a source of eternal vibrancy. It aptly represents the vigor and enthusiasm of our life, much of which we lose as we grow older. While you may gift an orange rose this time, make sure you apply the principle it stands for in your own life, especially the financial one. How? You could charge up your investments. Look for newer avenues to invest and grow your wealth like 401(k), Individual Retirement Account (IRA), insurance etc, ones in which you’ve never invested before.
Lavender - This symbolizes infatuation, or better still; love at first sight. Though it may appear quite attractive at first instance, yet a lot times such short-term inclinations do not yield constructive results. Similarly, when you are tempted to go out with your friends or colleagues to a certain high-end bar in the town, but you know that your budget doesn't permit you for the same, then you should shrug off those impulses and stick to your monthly spending plans.
Green - Green or rather greenery is always associated with new life. Use its motto to rejuvenate your life. If you are undergoing severe financial hardship, then you can work toward increasing your monthly household income. In order to add-up to your total household earnings, you may take up part-time jobs or ask your present boss to give you some extra work in exchange for some extra pay.
Look, these personal finance points are just a novel way to look at old things with a fresh and innovative perspective. But the fact remains the same - The American Dream Does Not Come to Those Who Fall Asleep. Good Luck!