Consumer debt has been a major problem in the U.S for the last few years. Millions of U.S households are struggling to stay afloat in a difficult climate. Unfortunately, a lot of scam debt settlement companies are taking advantage of the situation. They indulge in misleading advertisements to attract debtors and deceive them.
While looking for online debt settlement companies, you will often hear a lot about “Federal debt relief program”, Obama’s debt relief plan”, “government debt relief” etc. These are bogus statements intended to allure consumers. But they sound so good and legitimate that even smart consumers fall for them.
The U.S government bailed out the banks during recession because their collapse could have been dangerous to the economy. So many consumers come to the conclusion that the Obama administration is helping the debtors for the same reason. The scam advertisements look quite authentic in this light. However, it must be understood that individual financial failures are hardly as devastating for the economy as the collapse of the banks. So the federal government would not rescue debtors if they default on their credit card debts.
Fraud debt relief companies take a lot of care to ensure that their website looks authentic and government-sanctioned. You should expect images of the White House, American President, American flags on these websites. Even their content might be copied from government websites. So you might feel excited but once you sign up with these con artists, be prepared for huge disappointment. These companies will charge you an upfront fee and thereafter tell you that the “Obama debt relief program” is temporarily unavailable, but they can still help you. Needless to say, these fly-by-the-night companies will hardly help you and eventually you will find yourself out of luck with your money gone.
So it is time for you to wake up and start thinking rationally. You must understand that the Obama government has no debt relief program for consumers.