Are you a patient person by nature? I’m asking this because I don’t have a patient bone in my body. You can criticize me as much as you want. But this is how I am.
When I finished my college, I wanted to get a job as quickly as possible. When I apply for a credit card, I want to get one the very next day. This is how I am. Are you just like me? If so, then it’s not a good quality especially when you’re embarking on a journey to financial freedom.
You need to be patient and give time for attaining financial freedom. Nothing comes easy in life. You won’t get financial freedom tomorrow unless you win a lottery. You have to work towards your financial freedom. Sometimes, you’ll fail. Sometimes, you’ll win. But there is no doubt that it is a time consuming task.
A patient man has a higher chance of getting financial success than an impatient one.
Person A invests in the stock market. He buys stocks of a few good companies and hopes for a great return. After a few days, the stock market crashes. Person A is disappointed but he decides to wait.
Person B also buys stocks of blue chip companies and expects a very good return. After a few days, the stock market crashes and the value of all his stocks goes down. Person B feels devastated and sells all his stocks at a huge loss.
The stock market revives and the value of all stocks becomes almost double. Person B buys the same stocks at a high price whereas the Person A sells his stocks and reaps profit.
Do you want to succeed financially? But you’re worried since there isn’t any patient bone in your body. If so, then you can use these tricks.
Wow! You have doubled your investment returns and increased your savings? Look at your bank statements of the last year. Compare the figures. You’ll realize how much you have progressed. This will motivate you to move forward.
Make it your next goal to save enough money that will help you live on the previous month’s income.
Don’t make too many changes in your life since it will be tough to adjust. Suddenly if you impose too many restrictions in your life, then you’ll feel suffocated. You’ll get frustrated. Don’t restrict yourself from enjoying all the pleasures of life. Rather make small changes so that you can gradually adjust with them and progress.
Only you can make or break your future. Your future will be ruined if you become impatient and frustrated. Just work hard and don’t think about the immediate result. Trust me, you’ll feel great once you reach your financial goal. Sometimes, progress is slow. But this doesn’t mean that you won’t succeed finally. There will be setbacks and delays. However, if you keep working hard, you’ll reach your destination.
When you feel depressed and dejected, just remember one point - Slow but steady wins the race. Just the follow this maxim. You will reach your goal.