save mother earth

“Care for Mother Earth just like you care for your money Leave a green earth and beautiful money tree for your kids”

Mother nature is least bothered about the Earth day. In her dictionary, each day is an Earth Day and therefore she expects that we will take care of nature 24*7. But for us, Earth Day falls on April 22. This is the day when we are suddenly overwhelmed with love and emotions for our mother nature. This is the day when we remember that yes, time has come to look after our mother nature at least for a day.

But what happens after the Earth Day celebrations are over? Well, we go back to our normal life and start exploiting nature 365 days. Frankly speaking, no one cares about Mother Nature. All they care about is their hard earned money.

So, what’s the solution? Should we go on exploiting and exhausting nature day by day? Should we care for our Mother Earth for only one day? Never.

We have to find out a middle path, and that is to think about the ways to create a beautiful world and ‘money tree’. Interested to know how? Here are the top 51 ways to achieve your goal.


  1. Install energy-efficient bulbs everywhere.
  2. Ask your employees to turn off the switches after leaving office.
  3. Ask your employees to turn off bulbs, fans, ACs when they go out for a break.
  4. Go paperless and save all the work in digital files.
  5. Use printers to print in both sides of the papers.
  6. Use recycled papers.
  7. think about the ways to create a beautiful world and ‘money tree’
  8. Replace company cars with carpooling option for employees.
  9. Give work from home option to some employees.
  10. Have energy audit at office and then upgrade operations to reduce power costs.
  11. Create a green team to get innovative ideas. Implement them to reduce energy waste and expenses.
  12. Install sensor activated sinks to save on water usage.
  13. Keep potted plants on the roof to put less stress on AC. They will also absorb carbon emissions.
  14. Put up window shelves so that more natural light creeps into your home and you use less artificial light.
  15. Replace the old models of ACs with upgraded versions to reduce electricity usage.


  1. Drive less and use public transport to commute.
  2. Students can use ebooks instead of taking print outs or making photocopies.
  3. Install LED lights in campus.
  4. Create a trayless cafeteria to save gallons of water.
  5. Install Energy Star software on computers to save energy.
  6. Charge a fee for the laundry service to avoid waste and reduce costs.
  7. Set all computer monitors at sleep mode after 10 minutes.
  8. Ask students to stop using screen savers to save energy.
  9. Use energy-efficient options in computer server rooms.
  10. Unplug appliances such as printers, fax machines and other equipments when they are not used.


  1. Use energy-star electronic appliances at home.
  2. Replace normal bulbs with CFL bulbs.
  3. Turn off exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchen after leaving those rooms.
  4. Try to use ceiling fans instead of AC whenever you can.
  5. Make your walls properly insulated.
  6. Keep the interior doors open so that cool air circulates everywhere.
  7. Use microwave to warm leftovers.
  8. Use your dishwasher at economy mode (120 degree) to save electricity.
  9. Set your thermostat at 65-68 degrees during night and at 68-70 degrees during day time.
  10. Turn off oven when the food is 90% cooked. Use copper-bottomed cookware and cover them with tight-fitting covers. Rest of the food will be cooked in the remaining heat.
  11. Make sure the size of your cooking pan is not smaller than the burner.
  12. Check and repair your hot water pipes whenever it is required.
  13. Keep your refrigerator full with vegetables and fruits.
  14. Recycle and reduce garbage. Save lands and your money.
  15. Have white roofs in your house as they require 40% less energy for cooling.
  16. Wrap your water heater with an insulating blanket to preserve heat.
  17. Opt for the shortest cycle in your dishwasher to clean your dishes.
  18. Place your AC in the shade. It consumes more energy in sunlight.
  19. Don’t preheat the oven when the recipe doesn’t call for it.
  20. Use cold water to wash clothes and buy cold detergents as well.


  1. Install dimmers and daylighting controls to cut down electrical usage.
  2. Install an effective steam wrap maintenance program to save energy.
  3. Use low-flow plumbing fixtures to cut down water usage and energy consumption.
  4. Install energy-efficient lighting system in parking space and outdoor walkways.
  5. Install sensors in places where there are lots of natural light. It will adjust the amount of overhead heating and drop upto 75% electricity usage on lightings.
  6. Turn off the medical devices that require electricity after official hours. Use inexpensive timers to make the devices ready once patients start coming in.
  7. Ask administrative officers to shut down computers and other electrical equipments after finishing work.


These were only 51 incredible ways to save Mother Nature and money. Do you have any other interesting idea? Share them with us. Sometimes, one single idea can help to bring a great revolution.

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