Homestead consisting of dwelling house, outbuildings, and land on which it situates and including rent, tenancy, profits, issues etc the quantum of exemption may go up to
$ 75,000.
Disposable earnings up to the extent of
75% of the weekly earnings per week OR
30 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is greater.
Motor Vehicles:
Automobile can be exempted up to the extent of
$ 2,500.
Professional Books and Tools:
Professional books and implements exempted up to the extent of
$ 5,000.
Personal, family or household jewelry exempted up to the extent of
$ 500.
Wedding Ring:
One wedding ring.
Proceeds of life insurance policies:
Up to the quantum of
$ 500.
Harvesting crops:
Growing crops are exempted up to the extent of
$ 5,000.
Household Furniture:
Furniture, implements, appliances, books, wearing apparel, animal, crops or musical instruments of debtor or his/her dependents are exempted up to the extent of
$ 2,500.
Personally Chosen Property:
$ 400 plus up to
$ 7,000 of any unused exemption.
Bank Balance:
Bank deposits are exempted up to
$ 700.
Annuity Contracts:
Annuity contract benefits are exempted up to the extent of
$ 350 per month.
Health Insurance:
Heath Insurance benefits up to the extent of
$ 200.
Other Specific Exemption:
- Cook stove, heating appliance, refrigerator, freezer, water heater & sewing machines. 10 Cords of firewood or 500 gallons of oil. 500 gallons of bottled gas.
- Food and Husbandry: 1 Cow, 2 goats, 10 sheep, 10 chickens; 3 swarms of bees & their honey; feed to last for 3 month; 2 harnesses, 2 halters, 2 chains, plow & ox yoke; yoke of oxen or steers & 2 horses.
Total or Absolute Exemptions for:
- Self directed retirement plans and IRAs.
- Professionally prescribed health aids.
- Unmatured Life Insurance Contracts.
- Personal earnings of wards and wife.
- Fire Insurance proceeds of for loss of exempt properties.
- Proceeds of group life insurance and group disability payments.
- Beneficial interests in insurance policies or annuity contracts containing spendthrift clauses.
- Fraternal Benefit and Society Benefits.
- Unemployment's compensation.
- Workmen's compensation.
- Specific partnership property.
- Vermont Employees Retirement System benefits and funds.
- Public assistance payments.
Court's Address:
67 Merchants Row, P.O. Box 6648, Rutland, VT 05702-6648
Court's Phone Number
: (802) 776-2000,CM/ECF Help Desk : (802) 776-2000 then option 3,Fax: (802) 776-2020
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours
: Monday - Friday (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Court's Hours
: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Jurisdictional Counties
: All Counties
Court Locations
: Rutland, Burlington
: Hon. Colleen A. Brown (U.S. Bankruptcy Court)67 Merchants Row, P.O. Box 6648, Rutland, VT 05702-6648(802) 776-2030
: Thomas J. Hart (Bankruptcy Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court)67 Merchants Row, P.O. Box 6648, Rutland, VT 05702-6648 (802) 776-2000