Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Minnesota Bankruptcy Laws


House and land possessed by the debtor as principal place of residence. Including any proceeds to sale for 1 year up to the extent of $ 200,000 or up to $ 500,000 if used in farming with land up to 160 acre if it is in outside of city area and 1/2 acre if in any city.

Household Goods

Furniture, television, radio, utensils and foodstuffs worth $ 8,550.

Other Goods

Wearing Apparels, One watch and food.

Marital Memento

Nuptial keepsakes like wedding ring are to be exempted up to the extent of $ 1,225.

Farm Implements

Farm appliances and instruments, standing crops and other agro process expenses up to the extent of $ 13,000.

Professional Books and Implements

Books and tools required for continuing profession can get exemption up to $ 9,500.

Life Insurance Benefit

Life Insurance benefit of up to $ 34,000 plus $ 9,500 for each dependent of surviving spouse & brood.

Unmatured Life Insurance

The sum total of benefits arising from any unmatured life insurance contract can be exempted up to $ 7,600.

Total or Absolute Exemptions for

  • Books and Musical Instruments.
  • Pew in the church and burial plot.
  • Public Assistance Benefits.
  • Child support and earnings of the debtor.
  • Injury & Disability Insurance Benefits.
  • Pension of Teacher's & Veteran's Benefit.
  • Firemen, Policemen and Public Pension Benefits.
  • State Retirement Act Benefit.
  • Unemployment and Workmen's Pension Benefits.
  • Specific partnership property.
  • Prisoner's earning.
  • Equipment's of National Guards.
Note Some of the exemption varies as per the Implicit Price Deflator for the Gross National Product. So it is advised to consult your attorney to get the perfect amount of exemption which is prevalent in a given point of time.

Court's Address

301 U.S. Courthouse 300 South Fourth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415

Court's Phone Number


Court's Hours

800am - 500pm (Monday - Friday)

Court Locations

Duluth, Fergus Falls, Minneapolis, St. Paul

Jurisdictional Counties

All counties
District of Minnesota - Duluth Office

Court's Address

416 U.S. Courthouse 515 West First Street Duluth, Minnesota 55802

Court's Phone Number


Court's Hours

800am - 500pm (Monday - Friday)
District of Minnesota - Fergus Falls Office

Court's Address

204 U.S. Courthouse 118 South Mill Street Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537

Court's Phone Number


Court's Hours

800am - 500pm (Monday - Friday)
District of Minnesota - St Paul Office

Court's Address

200 Warren E BurgerFederal Building and U.S.Courthouse316 North Robert St Paul, MN 55101

Court's Phone Number


Court's Hours

800am - 500pm (Monday - Friday)


Hon. Dennis D. O'Brien301 U.S. Courthouse 300 S. Fourth St. Minneapolis, MN 55415(612) 664-5280Hon. Gregory F. Kishel (Chief Judge)301 U.S. Courthouse 300 S. Fourth St. Minneapolis, MN 55415(612) 664-5230Hon. Nancy C. Dreher7 W. U.S. Courthouse 300 S. Fourth St. Minneapolis, MN 55415(612) 664-5260Hon. Robert J. Kressel8 W. U.S. Courthouse 300 S. Fourth St. Minneapolis, MN 55415(612) 664-5250


Anita Miller (Deputy in Charge)416 U.S. Courthouse 515 W. 1st St. Duluth, MN 55802(218) 529-3600Delores Campbell (Deputy in Charge)204 U.S. Courthouse 118 S. Mill St. Fergus Falls, MN 56537(218) 739-4671Lori Vosejpka (Deputy in Charge)301 U.S. Courthouse 300 S. Fourth St. Minneapolis, MN 55415(612) 664-5200

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a qualified attorney for advice on your specific situation.

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