Your overall debt level?

Debt amount cannot be empty.

Client PB1 from CA saved $26,866

Client Situation

Debt Enrolled: $56,440
Creditor Enrolled: 9
Debt Processed: $57,200
Debt Settled: $21,378
Total Saved: $26,866
Enrollment Date: 19 Jun, 2010
Type of Debt: Credit Card
Financial Coach:
Client Relationship:

Details of few savings:

How OVLG handled the situation?

PB1 signed up with OVLG on 06/21/2010 and made his first payment on the same day. We provided him 70% savings on the first settlement immediately after he signed up for the debt settlement program and saved $7,826 for him. We also settled 8 other creditors at 39% with a savings of $27,996 from thereafter.

Video Transcription

Hi my name is ********** I was a Oak View Legal, Law Group customer since June 2010, really helped me out a lot saved me a tremendous amount of money and Sandra and her team were great to work with. Whenever I was in a pinch they will help me out for the month and uh... really appreciate the service they done uh... recommend it to people who have credit card debt and are in a hard spot. Again Oak View Law Group, some great people to work with thank you.

  1. * We have changed clients' names to protect their privacy.

  2. The aforementioned are only a few examples of the various cases we deal with. After deducting the settlement fees, these show how much we saved from each creditor.

  3. Please note that the settled amount is neither consistent nor predictable, and it depends on the creditors.

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